Following on from the Enterprise Melbourne project, my contract was extended and I became a senior web producer on the 12 City of Melbourne web sites, eventually driving all the digital strategy for the City’s corporate web offerings.
During this time, I developed interactive sites for community consultation, electronic direct mail for marketing campaigns, consulted on social media (Facebook/Twitter) strategy for the iPhone app Grogger, developed the City’s social media user guide and approved business cases, including the establishment of the EcoCity Forum social media Facebook and Twitter projects, with live tweeting of the EcoCity Forums for the first time.
At the same time, I oversaw web site updates to all sites on a day-to-day basis, including editing, writing, image cropping and consulting with marketing and communications specialists on web options. There were also larger scale projects, such as the addition of live ticket purchases to the Arts House site, the roll-out of bin applications to city businesses, online surveys and the relaunch of the City Gallery web site. I also conducted card sorting exercises for the Melbourne Library Service with a view to improving their IA and developed the IA for the City’s 2010 Annual Report.
See the City of Melbourne’s main site and choose from the drop-down menu at the top to view the various sub-sites.